~ Spinnerstown


Lutheran Saint John's Lutheran Church

1730 1565 Sleepy Hollow Road

Spinnerstown PA 18968

215. 536.0734 FAX
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  Saint John's Lutheran Church's 250th anniversary is coming up in 2013 There are no details yet, but we do know that Bishop Burkett of the Southeastern PA Synod (SEPA) within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), will be visiting our church on September 22, 2013 for a celebratory service. Check back for updates.

The organization is somewhat obscure, but must have taken place between 1730-1740.

Battle's History of BC (1887)

The 250th Anniversary is in 2013.

Here's one story that was recently put in one of Saint John's newsletters.  Enjoy!

   In 1734, roadways were opened up into the “Milfords” for the migration of German immigrants to the upper reaches of the then Bucks County.  Milford Township was incorporated and the founding of a joint church of the “Church People” was formed, although the first written records were not until 1736.  The “Church People” as referenced by the English land barrens of the day were the Lutherans and the Reformed Congregations from Germany & Switzerland.  They also recognized other German / Swiss sects such as the Mennonites, by their respective names.  Before the church was officially deeded to the “Reformed Church” in 1762, both congregations worshipped in a log building at the far end of the present “Great Swamp” Cemetery.  That land is now part of Lehigh County – Lower Milford Township.


  Did you know how the Reforms received the large tract of land and caused the split of the “Union” church of “Great Swamp” in Milford?  The story goes as follows:  When the Penn’s in Philadelphia saw that the “Church People” were cultivating the land in the wilderness of Upper Bucks, they decided to grant a large tract of land for their use in worship.  A delegation of men from each denomination headed down to the city to get the deed to the land.  Elder Eberhardt headed the delegation for the Reforms and Elder Ludwig Scheetz headed the delegation for the Lutherans.  Somewhere in the Germantown area outside of the city of Philadelphia, Elder Scheetz and his delegation decided to stop for food and refreshment.  Elder Eberhardt remained steadfast and continued on to the city hall to receive the deed.


   As Elder Scheetz later entered the city, he passed the Eberhardt delegation which was on its way back with the land grant.  “Too late” exclaimed Elder Eberhardt, “The land went to those who remained steadfast in their endeavor.”  Elder Scheetz felt bad for losing the grant and gave a ¾ acre parcel to the Lutherans to erect a log church for worship.  Thus, we became one of the oldest “Independent” Lutheran congregations in the whole United States!  The land was later granted formally by deed to our congregation by David Spinner in 1809.  Thus our church has become known as “Scheetz’s Church!”

unknown Trinity Great Swamp Church

9150 Spinnerstown Road

Spinnerstown PA 18968

215. 679.7710 FAX

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Page last updated:    September 26, 2021

ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1864) 2nd Inaugural

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. 



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- Nancy Janyszeski

"I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work."

- Thomas Alva Edison

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Nancy C. Janyszeski All rights reserved.     Information submitted remains, to the extent the laws allows, the property of the submitter who by submitting it agrees that it may be freely copied, but never sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge and permission of the rightful owners.   

This website was created as a guide to the history and genealogy of Bucks County Pennsylvania. All efforts have been made to be accurate and to document sources. Some of the material has been contributed and published, with permission, in good faith. All effort has been made to be accurate as possible, and to refer to sources used. If you see an error, please let me know. This website was designed to be informative, a guide to Bucks County history and genealogical research, and hopefully fun. I can't guarantee that all the data is accurate.

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September 26, 2021